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  • jaimeleighmac

A Professionalism and Social Media Audit: What I've Learned


Welcome to my very first blog post! I have to admit - I don't think I've ever picture myself as a Blogger... but this is going to be both insightful and educational! I'm excited.

As part of my Master of Health Studies course, we conducted an audit of ourselves on the topics of both social media and professionalism. Let's do a re-cap!

My social media audit was a pretty good reflection of my approach to social media. When I googled my name, the only link that came up was to my LinkedIn profile. My LinkedIn profile is up-to-date with my work experiences, however that is about all I've used the platform for. In terms of personal use of social media, I do keep my Facebook and Instagram profiles private (...if there is actually such a thing). So I wasn't shocked they didn't appear in a Google search. I don't post frequently on social media for a number of reasons, but the main one is knowing that nothing is ever truly private. I know that working in healthcare comes with a responsibility to provide evidence-based information to the public, however I know many topics in healthcare are controversial, and I typically avoid having these discussions publicly. As for posting about personal topics, I do share some photos and videos of my family so that extended family and friends can see a little about us. I only post things that I would be comfortable sharing with the world, as I understand that private settings are not necessarily completely private.

In terms of my professional identity, I am aware that as a Research Registered Nurse Coordinator, it is important for me to share evidence-based resources to the public. I have the education and experience to access and provide this information to others. I do struggle with having an online presence, both personally and professionally, however I do have a goal to find a way to share some of the resources I use with others. Between this webpage and my Wakelet page (linked below), I will curate content and share a little more about myself, my profession, and healthcare.

My professionalism audit allowed me to review and summarize the organizations in which I am apart of as a Registered Nurse. As a Registered Nurse employed by Newfoundland and Labrador Health Services, I am part of their professional organization. Registered Nurses in NL are also members of the College of Registered Nurses of Newfoundland and Labrador (CRNNL), which is our regulatory body. Each year we renew our membership with the CRNNL, which provides our license to practice as a Registered Nurse in this province, and we are required to complete all components of a Continuing Competency Program. Our membership renewal with CRNNL also includes a membership with the Canadian Nurses Protective Society, which provides liability protection and legal advice/assistance. Nursing in NL is governed by the Registered Nurses Act, Registered Nurses Regulations, and Bylaws. We must adhere to the Standards of Practice for Registered Nurses and Canadian Nurses Association Code of Ethics. 

As a Registered Nurse, the professional values that guide my work are:

  • to provide the highest standard of care

  • to always maintain respect and confidentiality

  • to remain up-to-date on current and evolving trends in healthcare

  • to prioritize continuing education

I envision this ePortfolio to be the beginning of sharing my professional interests, sharing important resource, and developing an online presence that I am comfortable with! Stay tuned for more!

Check out my Wakelet profile if you're interested!

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