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  • jaimeleighmac

Determinants of Health

Updated: Feb 13

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the determinants of health are the factors that cumulatively affect the health of individuals and communities. They include: social environment, economic environment, physical environment, and the person’s individual characteristics and behaviors. The WHO also discusses some more specific influential factors, such as income and social status, education level, physical environment (i.e. safe water and clean air), social support networks, genetics, access to health services and gender.  (WHO, 2017).

The Government of Newfoundland and Labrador (2020) states that the determinants of health are:

-          Social support networks

-          Income and social status

-          Employment and working conditions

-          Social environments

-          Physical environments

-          Education level

-          Healthy child development

-          Health services

-          Personal health practices and coping skills

-          Biology

-          Gender

-          Culture

Public health professionals work towards improving these factors that affect our health as a whole, by focusing on social justice, addressing any factors that influence health, and acknowledging that health is a human right.  (Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, n.d.)

It is easy to see that many factors influence the health of an individual and a population. Many of these determinants of health can affect the others, as well. For example, if a population has a low education level, this will likely affect their employment status/working conditions, which will likely affect things such as food and water quality and security. This influences the health of both the individuals and the population as a whole.

If we can focus our efforts on ensuring all populations have equal opportunity to improve these determinants of health, we have a better chance of achieving improved levels of health for all. Using the determinants of health to guide programs for public health initiatives should help ensure we are considering the whole person, as well as the whole population.


Health Promotion and Wellness. Government of Newfoundland and Labrador. (2020, November 5). 

Public Health. Government of Newfoundland and Labrador. (n.d.).

Determinants of Health. World Health Organization. (2017, February 3).

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